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M. Marc Lalonde

M. Marc Lalonde

(Le français suit)

(More comments available on English page)

It is with deep sorrow that the family of Marc Lalonde announces his sudden passing after a brief battle with cancer. Predeceased by his sister, Micheline (Joe), and brothers, Guy (Pauline) and Yves (Jo), he leaves behind his wife, Beverly Gillis, sons, Michael (Paloma), and Benjamin, sisters Claudette (Bill) and Marie (John), and a joyfully large number of nieces and nephews and their many children.

Marc had four passions in his life: the Montreal Canadiens, playing guitar, his work and, above all, his family. He passed on his work ethic and his love of hockey and music to his sons. He was exceedingly proud of them.

When Marc began a BA program at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, he immediately set a goal to teach at the university level. He did not yet recognize his academic ability but liked to dream big. He thrived on challenge and leaned into his studies at Concordia University where he earned an MA and PhD, then began teaching. Lecturing and publishing, when time allowed, he found great pleasure and kinship in his work in Concordia’s department of Religions and Cultures.

He will be dearly missed.

A visitation will be held at J.C. Cardinal Funeral Home, 560 chem. du Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Dorval on January 16 (2–5 pm and 7-9 pm), followed by a Celebration of Life ceremony at Sarto-Desnoyers Community Center, 1335 chem. du Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Dorval on January 17 at 12 pm.

In lieu of flowers, consider donating to one of the organizations Marc supported; Welcome Hall Mission and CNIB Guide Dogs.


C’est avec une profonde tristesse que la famille de Marc Lalonde annonce son décès soudain après une brève bataille contre le cancer. Prédécédé par sa sœur Micheline (Joe) et ses frères Guy (Pauline) et Yves (Jo), il laisse dans le deuil son épouse Beverly Gillis, ses fils Michael (Paloma) et Benjamin, ses sœurs Claudette (Bill) et Marie (John), ainsi qu’un nombre joyeusement important de neveux et nièces et leurs nombreux enfants.

Marc avait quatre passions dans sa vie : les Canadiens de Montréal, la guitare, son travail et, par-dessus tout, sa famille. Il a transmis à ses fils son éthique du travail, et son amour du hockey et de la musique. Il était extrêmement fier d’eux.

Lorsque Marc a commencé un programme de licence à l’université Queen’s de Kingston, en Ontario, il s’est immédiatement fixé comme objectif d’enseigner au niveau universitaire. Il n’était pas encore conscient de ses capacités académiques, mais il aimait rêver en grand. Il aimait les défis et s’est investi dans ses études à l’Université Concordia, où il a obtenu une maîtrise et un doctorat, puis commencé à enseigner. Lorsqu’il en avait le temps, il donnait des conférences et publiait des ouvrages. Son travail au département des religions et des cultures de l’Université Concordia lui procurait un grand plaisir et lui permettait d’établir des liens de parenté.

Il nous manquera beaucoup.

Une visite aura lieu à la Maison funéraire J. C. Cardinal au 560, chemin Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Dorval le 16 janvier (14 h -17 h et 19 h – 21 h) et une cérémonie de célébration de la vie aura lieu au Centre communautaire Sarto-Desnoyers, 1335 chemin Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Dorval le 17 janvier à 12 h.

En lieu de fleurs, vous pouvez faire un don à l’un des organismes que Marc soutenait : Mission Bon Accueil, ou Fondation INCA.


560, Chemin Bord-du-Lac, Dorval (Québec)  H9S 2B3

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17 Commentaires

  • Angela Arnet Connidis Posted

    Marc was part of my earliest childhood memories, growing up across the street from each other, the same age and each with large families. We were In and out of each other’s homes, and spent hours outside playing hide and seek and other made-up games with others on the street. My family moved from Kingston when we were in our early teens, but later years found me in Montreal, and Marc and I reconnected, this time he with his wonderful wife Bev and sons Mike and Ben, and me with Davit and our sons, all about the same age. How wonderful that reconnection was. Thank you, Marc, for keeping our friendship alive, and bringing Bev, Mike and Ben into my world. I will miss you.

    • Bev Gillis Posted

      Marc treasured the memories of his youth playing with you, Stephanie, and Melina. Who would have imagined that you would both find yourselves in Montreal years later but this time as parents with children of a similar age who would enjoy playing as you had. Thank you for your love and friendship – it was dear to Marc and remains so for Mike, Ben and me.

  • ESTI MAYER Posted

    Please accept my heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies. I was fortunate to have been one of Marc’s students, and later to serve as his teaching assistant. He was a gifted teacher, a superb researcher, and a wonderful human being. I hope the memory of his life, love, and works will bring the family solace.

    • Beverly Gillis Posted

      Thank you Esti for sharing your appreciation for Marc’s teaching. He would be pleased to know that he figured positively in your education, both as a student and as a teaching assistant.

  • ESTI MAYER Posted

    Please accept my heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies. I was fortunate to have been one of Marc’s students, and later to serve as his teaching assistant. He was a gifted teacher, a superb researcher, and a wonderful human being. I hope the memory of his life, love, and works will bring the family solace.

  • William Maloney Posted

    Dr. Lalonde was the professor I got when I took my last undergraduate course. Unlike many teachers I had, I was able to always express myself comfortably in his class, I always felt he was understanding things the way I did. It was during his class that I decided to try and achieve what he had achieved academically. I knew that meant I needed to up my game, to be better than I was. He supported me and wrote a recommendation letter that enabled me to gain admission for graduate studies. I am forever grateful. Thank you Marc, for being there for me, and for your help and understanding. We are thankful and we will miss you.

    • Beverly Gillis Posted

      William, what a lovely tribute to Marc. I am so pleased to know that he was a role model for you and motivated you to reach beyond the ordinary to achieve what you wanted. It is a great comfort to read how much impact he had on his students. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

    • Bev Gillis Posted

      William, I am pleased to know that Marc was able to motivate you to strive for higher academic goals. It is a comfort to his family to know that his students had such respect for him and appreciated his teaching. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  • Melina Connidis Posted

    Double riding to the park on a banana seat bike with friends.
    Home Again
    Hide and Seek
    One Potatoe
    Two Potatoe
    You will always be our great neighbour across the street
    Marc Lalonde
    The Street Lights are On
    Time to go home.

    • Bev Gillis Posted

      Melina, thank you for your poem. It brought me to tears. I could picture you, Stephanie, Angela, and Marc playing together. What a sweet image. When he spoke about you it was always with a smile. I would dearly like to meet you one day, great friend of Marc’s.

  • Eli Mason Posted

    I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss.

    I was a graduate student of Marc’s and then his TA over several courses at Concordia. He was always a friendly ear and did so much to encourage my teaching and research. When I took a graduate course with him during the first few years of my PhD, his approach to discussing the sometimes very dense philosophical material helped me become a more confident and adept student of philosophy, and then this summer when I was having difficulties he immediately offered to be a friendly sounding board. We had a lot of great chats, especially with Munit, and It’s hard to imagine him not being there.

    Marc introduced me to Harold & Maude during one of my TAships, and I’ll often replay the flower scene from that film when I’m feeling down. This week I watched it several times and listened to some Yusuf/Cat Stevens. I’m honoured to have known him.

    • Beverly Gillis Posted

      Eli, it is comforting to know that Marc was so appreciated by his students. He would have been pleased to know thinking of him encouraged you to watch Harold and Maude again and listen to the music of Cat Stevens.

  • Nuria Enciso Posted

    Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of Dr. Lalonde.
    My husband and I both took multiple classes with him, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. An intrepid guide is what he will always remain to me: from Emmanuel Levinas to Charles Taylor; from the Frankfurt School to Foucault- he challenged and encouraged us. No exaggeration to say that some of his classes were, for me, life changing, and I wouldn’t have finished my MA without him.

    When my father passed, Dr. Lalonde’s compassion was not only life affirming , but the mark of a deeply humane human- he was more than just a great professor.

    May his memory always bring you all comfort and joy.

    • Beverly Gillis Posted

      Thank you, Nuria, for your thoughtful tribute to Marc. It means a great deal to us to know that Marc was so highly appreciated by his students.

  • Ildi Glaser-Hille Posted

    Please accept my deepest sympathies. Marc was one of my professors, who introduced me to the complexities of Foucault, and I was fortunate to work with him as a TA in my final semester. He was understanding and caring (even telling me to take the day off to prepare for my defense the next day), and he encouraged me to pursue my research. May his memories and the stories we tell about him bring comfort to those who knew him.

    • Beverly Gillis Posted

      Thank you for your condolences, Ildi and for sharing your thoughts of Marc. They give us solace.

  • Michael Oppenheim Posted

    Sarah and I are shocked and deeply saddened by the passing away of Marc. He was a very genuine and passionate person, as a father, friend, colleague, and long-time volunteer for charitable work. Even as a graduate student his academic passion and intellectual skills made him stand out. This was recognized by the distinguished theologian and philosopher Charles Davis, who mentored Marc, was his dissertation director, and who he saw as continuing his own scholarly commitment to revitalize Christian faith. As an advisor I often heard testimonials from our best graduate students about Marc’s stimulating teaching, intellectual rigor, and genuine concern for them. I could add much more about his collegial work and academic achievements, but in particular, there are no words to express what the loss of Marc’s presence means to us. Our sincerest sympathies go out to Beverly, Michael and Benjamin. Michael Oppenheim, retired Professor, Department of Religion

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