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Mme Elzira Loureiro

Mme Elzira Loureiro

1961 – 2024


On August 4th 2024, Elzira Loureiro passed away suddenly at the young age of age 63. She leaves behind a grieving daughter, Kathleen Miron, as well as her family and friends who loved and cared about her.


Elzira was an amazing mother to two daughters; she gave them an amazing and loved life. She was known as Mama bear to many because of how protective she was over her children. She suffered with many illnesses, and fought many battles. She was a survivor of abuse, domestic abuse and breast cancer. She suffered with diabetes, osteoarthritis and arrhythmia. She pushed through everything for her daughters, she fought and conquered everything pushed in her way. The last battle was too much for her body, and because of that, we are saying goodbye to her.


A loving, devoted, caring, amazing mother. She will forever be a strong, inspiring woman to her family, who pushed through the worst.


She will be missed deeply, and remembered for her amazing smile, sarcastic humour, and how much she cared for her loved ones.








560, Chemin Bord du Lac, Dorval (Québec)  H9S 2B3

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1 Témoignage

  • Michel Miron Posted

    Elsie, thank you for all the years we were in love. Thank you for the two beautiful daughters we had. It doen’t always end the way we have planned but my heart will keep only the happy moments we had together. Please, I hope you will leave knowing that I have never abused you. Michel

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