Brian Eaglesham passed away in Lachine, Quebec after a lengthy illness, at the age of 72. Predeceased by his parents Jack and Josie Eaglesham, and foster brother Pat Brown. Beloved brother, he leaves to mourn Harry (Lorraine), and Heather, Pat Brown’s wife Georgette, foster sisters Tammy and Vera Dehon, as well as many other extended family members.
He is known for his exceptional painting skills and his frequenting of many venues throughout Montreal’s West Island.
The family would like to thank the numerous organizations and individuals that provided support and empathy for his special needs including Lakeshore Hospital, the CLSC, the Montreal Neuro, WICA, and the CHLSD Lachine. Special mention to Drs White, Delmar-Greenberg, Sharpe, Crane, Rodier, Thibert and Inglis.
The family wishes to grieve privately.
560, Chemin Bord du Lac, Dorval (Québec) H9S 2B3
Tél. : 514-631-1511 | Téléc. : 514-631-1516 | Courriel : service@jccardinal.ca