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Mr. Denis Papineau

Mr. Denis Papineau


Le 24 août 2023 à l’âge de 72ans est décédé Denis Papineau, époux de Jocelyne Laberge.

 Outre son épouse, il laisse dans le deuil sa sœur Lucie (Bernard), ses beaux-frères et belles-sœurs Lise (François), feu Marcel (Pauline), Marie-Reine (Richard), Jean-Guy (Danyele), feu Thérèse (Michel), feu Rachel (Serge), Johanne (Gilles).

Ses neveux et nièces ainsi que de nombreux parents et amis.

Les funérailles se dérouleront dans l’intimité.



2125, rue Notre-Dame, Lachine (Québec)  H8S 2G5

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  • Nathalie Hébert Posted

    Toutes mes sympathies à toi Jocelyne ainsi qu’à vous Mme Doyon. La perte d’un être cher est toujours difficile. Il sera à jamais gravé dans vos coeurs

  • Frank Pedder Posted

    We’re sorry to hear that Denis, your husband, has past from this life. Be assured that he is not now, nor will ever be gone from us. Each of you will in your own ways be reminded of him when you least expect it and realize that he will always be with you.
    When you’re all gathered together, look around at each other and realize that for all his accomplishments, those you see and whomever each of you may be, you are…you all are…his greatest gift to each other.
    Maybe you’ll remember him when you share his favorite meal, or sit in the spot in the shade by the pool or shining that beautiful red car, that he enjoyed the most in the summer.

    After Denis passed away, how peaceful it must be for him, and that the number of angels has increased by one.
    Eventually you will enjoy the thoughts of the days in the past that you spent together, but for now be happy for him in his peace and be thankful for the company of those around you.
    Frank & Judy Pedder

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