Au service des familles du Québec depuis plus de 60 ans !
Mr. Kevin Wood

Mr. Kevin Wood

Ode to the Greatest Man


Standing firm and strong like the Morin-Heights mountains, unfaltering and unshakable just the same,

with eyes like emeralds and a heart of the purest gold. Kevin Wood was a father to some and a brother

to many, he was the example of who we all strive to become, a self-made hard working and caring

person, always ready to place himself after the ones he cared about and always ready to stop and help

everyone who needed it. Though his time with us may have seemed to be cut short I believe he has

done everything he was supposed to while he was with us. The world without him has changed but the

people that carry his memory will be forever appreciative for everything he has given to us.


“When I was a child, all problems had ended with a single word from my father. A smile from him was

sunshine. His scowl a bolt of thunder. He was smart, and generous, and honourable without fail. He

could exile a trespasser, check my math homework, and fix the leaky bathroom sink, all before dinner.

For the longest time, I thought he was invincible. Above the petty problems that plagued normal people.

And now he was gone” – Rachel Vincent


I like to believe his impact while he was with us was strong enough that no matter where he is or was

that his words are always there, asking ourselves “what would Kevin do” and I believe we all would hear

exactly what he would say to us in that moment of need, he truly was the consistent soul we all needed.

Never a blade of grass too long, never a board of wood out of place, and never a day missed, he truly

was an example of a man’s man. His Laugh was like a lion’s roar and his smile warmer than the sun

above, these are the things we all will hold in our hearts and thoughts from now to forever forward.

Leaving behind a legacy of good intentions and good people he will never be forgotten, his memory and

stories carrying us all onward as he would do for each and every one of us.


“Say not in grief ‘he is no more’ but in thankfulness that he was.” – Hebrew Proverb


The cold morning of October 4 2021 was our final day with him on this earth but never our final moment

with him, for there will never be a day where he is forgotten, only loved and remembered. The strength

and love he gave and has shown us all will be his memoir of a great life and the sunshine we will need in

the days to come. Though we have lost a great man this day, we have gained unforgettable memories of

the greatest person I will ever know and love.


The family will receive condolences, Sunday October 17, 2021 from 1 pm to 4 pm at J.J. Cardinal Funeral Home (560 Lakeshore Dr, Dorval, Quebec, H9S2B3, 514 631 1511)


“Love you big guy” – Jordan Wood


  • Karen coles Posted

    Very well said and very touching he will be missed

  • Carol & Manny Posted

    You will always be in our hearts along with the memories that will last forever

    LOVE U

  • Ellen Marginson Posted

    Sincerest condolences to everyone at this very difficult time.
    Auntie Ellen, Joel, Kathy and Nick

  • Marion Reid Posted

    My deepest sympathies to the family he will be in your hearts forever.God has taken another angle home RIp Keven

  • Tom Rees Posted

    My Deepest Sympathys to the Wood Family for Your Loss.

  • Claudette Brault Posted

    Beautifully written, it touched my heart. To all of you I send my deepest condolences. Your dad was ever present for you and will continue to be as he remains in your hearts.
    With all my love auntie clo

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