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Mrs Alma Bulut

Mrs Alma Bulut

Alma Bulut



It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Alma Bulut on January 07, 2022. Loving wife of Zeljko.

She leaves to mourn her children Bojana (Muhamed), Zlatka, Zeljko, Josip and Rebekah, her sisters, her brother-in-law, her sisters-in-law, and her parents-in-laws.  She will also be deeply missed by many relatives and friends.


“Ja sad idem van I vratit cu se tek ujutro

Ja sad idem van i vratit ću se tek ujutro.

Bit ću vani, ne čekaj me, idi spavati, ondje ću sjediti
i čučati i doći ću pijan.

Ja sad idem van i vratit ću se možda tek na godinu, šta
tako gledaš u mene? 

Ja sad idem van i vratit ću se možda tek za trista godina,
pa zar je to neko vrijeme?

Past ću na prozor u spodobi jednog besprizornog
razrokog fotona. Posadit ću se u obliku
prašine, spale nekom s cipela, na prag tvojih vrata.

A ti onda ne budi zla i pusti me k sebi. Ne pravi mi
scene. Ljubavnike ćemo pokupiti u pokrivač i izbaciti kroz prozor.

I ostavit ćemo sebi svjetlo. Ta pusti me k sebi.

Ta pusti me već k sebi, pa pusti me već, zašto ti
to toliko traje, to je nekoliko trenutaka, ta to je
grozno dugo, pa ja ću usahnuti umrijeti umrijeti ću od
žalosti, ta molim te ipak otvori ili ću ti ta vrata razvaliti,
kožu ću ti izgrepsti, oči ću ti iskopati
ljubavi moja”

Jiri Sotola





560 ch. Bord du Lac, Dorval (Québec)  H9S 2B3

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  • Hogue family Posted

    All our family is deeply saddened by the passing of our beloved Alma. She was an amazing women, friend to all and mother. She will be greatly miss by everyone who had the chance to know her.

  • Zlatka Posted

    Volim te zauvijek Mamić❤️

  • Bojana Maya Posted

    Mama, you came to this country not knowing one word of french… we are so proud of you Doctor Alma Bulut. I am so proud to have you as my mom. If I can accomplish only half of what you have, I will be a very successful woman. Thank you for raising me and my siblings so perfectly. Your passing will hurt me for the rest of my life. I know that even if we are very far away, you will always be among us. I hope I feel your presence everywhere I go. You are my motivation and I hope I make you proud. Please let me know you are doing okay. I love you with all my heart. We will be reunited again. Volim te mama

  • Muhamed Posted

    Zauvijek češ živjet u naša srca Alma. Od prvog našeg susreta si me srdačno prihvatila i poželjela dobrodošlicu u tvojoj familiji. Uvjek ćeš imati specijalno mjesto u mom srcu. Volimo te I biće mo opet svi zajedno jedan dan❤️. INNA LILLAHI WE INNA ILEJHI RADŽI’UUN.

  • Bahra Muratovic Posted

    أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ لله ، وأشهد أن محمد رسول الله
    Ešheddu en la illahe ilallah we ešheddu enne Muhammeden abd’uhu we resuluhu.
    Nema dovoljno riječi koje bi opisale moju sreću za svaku sekundu provedenu sa tobom. Da ti dragi Allah podari dzenet a svim tvojim najmilijim saber. Voli te vječno tvoja Bahra.

  • Magda Posted

    You will always remain alive in the hearts and memory of those of us who had the honor of meeting you, I am sure that now you are in the best place, together with our Heavenly Father and one day we will see each other again, rest in peace my sister forever

  • Magda Posted

    My sister and friend forever, I will remember every moment shared and I thank God for putting you on my way and meeting a great woman, mother, wife and friend, today you receive your award and enjoy with our Heavenly Father his love and presence, I know that one day we will see each other again and it will be for eternity, you will be forever in my heart

  • Vladimir Posted

    Posljednji pozdrav našoj dragoj Almi, zauvijek ćeš ostati u našim srcima.❤️
    Vladimir i Kristina

  • Edo Posted

    “O smirena dušo, vrati se Gospodaru svome zadovoljna, a i On tobom zadovoljan, pa uđi medu robove Moje i uđi u Džennet Moj!” (El-Fedžr, 27)

    Tetkić, zauvijek ćeš da živiš u našim srcima i pratit nas na našem putu kojeg si obasjala svojom ljubavlju.

    “Laku noć,
    njene pospane oči…”

    Đ. Balašević

  • Snjezana Posted

    Posljednj pozdrav dragoj Almi .
    Snjezana Berendika sa porodicom.

  • RUŽA Posted

    Tvoju nesebičnu dobrotu ni vrijeme neće moci izbrisati.
    Zauvijek ces ostati dio porodice tj.ŽELJKINA ALMA

  • Jelena Posted

    Neka ti ovaj put bude bude čist kao tvoja duša. Počivaj u miru, draga Alma! Tvojim najmilijim zelim da nadju snage ,da podnesu tvoj odlazak.
    Pamticu te po beskrajnoj dobroti!

  • Magda Posted

    Friends and sisters forever, I thank God for your life, for the honor of having shared it with you, you are a great woman, wife, mother, sister and friend. I know that today you are enjoying your award in the presence of our Heavenly Father and one day we will see each other again, you will always be in my heart

  • SASA Posted


  • Ksenija Posted

    Voljeni naši, primite našu iskrenu sućut. Naša draga i voljena Alma ostati će zauvijek u našim srcima i sjećanjima po svojoj dobroti i plemenitosti ❤. Ivan i Ksenija, Toni i Marijana, Deni i Amalija

  • Naim Posted

    Mnogo smo ponosni sto smo poznavali osobu poput tebe.Zauvijek ces ostati u nasim srcima.

  • Ksenija Posted

    Dragi naši, primite naše iskreno saučešće. Ostaju nam zauvijek sjećanja na predivnu i predragu Almu i toplinu kojom je zračila. Ivan i Ksenija, Toni i Marijana, Deni i Amalija

  • Ksenija Posted

    Dragi naši, primite iskreno saučešće. Voljena Alma zauvijek će ostati u našim sjećanjima po svojoj dobroti i toplini kojom je zračila. Ivan i Ksenija, Toni i Marijana, Deni i Amalija
    “Zašto se sve to dešava,
    dal’ čovjek išta rješava,
    il’ smo samo tu
    zbog ravnoteže među zvijezdama…
    Đ. Balašević

  • Dragan Posted

    Nenadoknadiv gubitak za sve koji su te poznavali a posebno za tvoje najbliže. Tvoja dobrota i tvoj vedar lik ostaće u našim srcima. Još uvijek su žive slike i uspomene na vremena provedena u Banjaluci kad smoslavili rođendane i krštenja tvojih najmilijih. Želimo da te pamtimo iz tog vremena a nikakog iz nekog drugog ružnog doba. Za nas ćeš uvijek biti i ostati naša Alma vedra i nasmijana kakvu smo znali.

  • Adel Jebali Posted

    Repose en paix, chère Alma! Tu étais une étudiante exemplaire et je suis sûr que tu étais une épouse et une mère exemplaire aussi. Tu as la chance d’avoir donné naissance à des enfants comme les tiens. Ils sauront s’inspirer de ton parcours pour réussir leur vie. Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer!

  • Magda Posted

    My dear sister forever, I thank God for the time we share together, and for the privilege to meet a wonderful wife, mother, sister, friend and person, I will miss you but I know that now you are enjoy with the Heavenly Father and one day we will see this other again, Forever in my heart

  • Rosalie Montoya Posted

    Dear Alma,
    May your beautiful soul rest in peace.
    Since the day I met you you’ve always treated me like a daughter and I’ll forever be grateful to grow up with such a kind and caring woman by my side. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. Hopefully we’ll be reunited again with God. I love you forever<3

  • Zdenko Barisic Posted

    Poslednji Pozdrav Almi , neka ti je laka zemlja. Drago mi je da smo se poznavali .
    Zeljo , tebi , djeci I familiji iskreno saucesce .Pocivala u miru .
    Tin i Zdenko.

  • Zejna Halilic Posted

    Veliki gubitak za sve koji su te poznavali
    draga Alma posebno tvojoj porodici molim dragog Boga da im da snagu da sve ovo izdrze a tvojo predivnoj dusi da pociva u miru.Drago mi je da sam imala priliku da upoznam takvu osobu i da te se sjecam kao zena borac majka heroina

  • Tanja Posted

    Almić, mnogo ces mi nedostajati.Ostat ceš zauvijek u mom srcu i mojim mislima.Neka mi te andjeli ćuvaju !❤️

  • Zeljko Aleksandar Bulut Posted

    Zauvjiek te volim mama, vidjet ce mo se opet jedan dan ❤️

  • Tin Barišić Posted

    Draga Ujno, ovaj gubitak ne samo u mom, već i u svim našim životima zauvijek će biti zapamčen. Ali čemo te vječno nositi u svim našim srcima i mislima kao što si i ti nas neprestano nosala u tvom dobrodušnom i nesebičnom srcu i mislima. Zauvijek češ biti zapamčena kao jedna dobrodušna, uspješna, pametna, i topla Majka, Žena, Tetka, Profesorka a za mene Ujna. Hvala ti na svemu što si za nas uradila, a od mene lično što si bila najbolja Ujna!

  • Brian and Susan Posted

    Dear Buluts,
    You’re all in our thoughts and prayers at this very sad time, as we share your deep sorrow…
    May constantly reviving your good memories, and knowing that she is always watching over you, as ever, give you strength and determination to continue on and make her proud.
    So we join you as the rememberers,
    the people left behind
    to keep such a loved one who’s gone from us
    alive in heart and mind,
    We’re the ones who are left to cherish
    and preserve a legacy…
    Yes, we are the rememberers,
    and we will always be.

    Time can’t erase the memories
    that we carry in our hearts
    Nor ever dim the shining thoughts
    our cherished past imparts
    And memories of the ones we love
    still cast their gentle glow
    To light our path and warm our hearts,
    wherever we may go.

  • Nermin Halilic sa familijom Posted

    Tvoj zivot je bio kratak ali je ostavio velik trag. Pocivaj u miru.

  • Ljiljana Posted

    Alma čujem tvoj zvonki smeh dok brojimtvoje uspehe : kao majka , supruga , prijatelj , naučnik
    Uzor si za ceo svet

  • RUŽA JURIĆ Posted

    Posljedni pozdrav dragoj Almi, počivala u miru.
    Obitelj Jurić

  • Ljiljana Posted

    ALMA , Čujem tvoj zvonki smeh dok brojim tvoje uspehe : kao majka ,supruga ,prijatelj, naučnik..Uzor si za ceo svet !

  • Dražen Lovrinović Posted

    Bog sebi zovnu još jednog anđela prerano. Draga Alma neka te prate Mir i Svijetlost Viječna.
    Moje saućešće tebi Željko i tvojoj djeci.

  • Wentworth and Jean Brookes Posted

    Dear Alma,

    It is so difficult to find the right words to honor you. We will always remember your kindness, intelligence and beauty. Your family will always be part of our family.

    Rest in peace Dr. Bulut,



    Do – Vidjenja

    Dovidjenja, draga, dovidjenja;

    ti mi, draga, bijese sve.

    Urucen rastanak bez naseg htijenja

    obecava i sastanak, zar ne?

    Ljubavi moja, Voli te tvoj Zeljkic, zauvijek.

  • Nikola Posted

    Posljednji pozdrav Almi. Zeljko tebi i djeci iskreno saucesce Nikola

  • Robert Carbonari Posted

    Dear Zeljko,

    I’ve never met Alma, but I’ve heard so much about her that I too feel sense of loss. In fact, I’m certain that this loss is felt by everyone.
    I cannot imagine the sorrow you and your children must be feeling. All I can do is to offer my deepest condolences, and to wish you strength during this time of hardship.

  • Catherine Léger Posted

    À la famille Bulut, mes sincères condoléances. Alma était une personne extraordinaire : tenace, déterminée, minutieuse, intelligente. Je ne l’ai connue comme étudiante ; elle rayonnait, donc je n’ai aucun doute qu’elle était une amie, une épouse, une mère exceptionnelle. Que sa force et son amour vous servent d’inspiration. Mes pensées sont avec vous. Je vous embrasse.

  • Nura Pranjic Posted

    There are no words to describe the pain and emptiness that I feel. The fact that you are no longer here will always cause me pain but you are forever in my heart until we meet again. I love you always and forever, my baby sister Alma.

  • Rene Atonson Posted

    Dear Alma, it was a great honor for me to know you. I am deeply saddened by your loss and I hope that you are in a better place now. You will never be forgotten, nor will your generosity and kindness. Rest In Peace-Počivaj u Miru.
    Sincerely, Rene Atonson

  • Arijana Pranjic Posted

    Moja tetkica, there are no words fitting enough to describe the weight of losing you. Your kindness and warmth radiated from your smile, and this is one of the many things I will miss about you. This world did not deserve you nor was it fair to you, but you persevered despite all your hardships to become a wonderful mother, wife, sister, aunt, friend, professor, student, and Doctor. We will carry you in our hearts wherever we go, until we meet again. Zauvijek, moja tetkica Alma.

  • Josip i Veronika Bulut Posted

    Draga naša Alma !
    Tvoj odlazak je nenadoknadiv gubitak za ćitavu porodicu .Zauvijek čemo the pamtiti kao divnu snahu ,punu razumijevanja I plemenosti.Bila si u našim srcima I tu ćes i ostati.Tvoja djela će uvijek biti zapamćena .Počivaj u miru !
    Josip I Veronika Bulut

  • Kalabici Posted

    Nase iskreno saucesce Zeljki i porodici.


  • Calvin Kalman Posted

    May the good memories help you through this difficult time. My first wire died at age 60 so I thoroughly understand. When people asked me how I managed I told them I put one foot in front of the other and it carries me forward. Keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  • Mariana Frank Posted

    Dear Zejlko and family
    I am so sorry for your loss. Alma was an exceptional person. She raised five children while pursuing an undergraduate and then a graduate degree in French, an A+ student, an amazing woman. May you find some consolation in her having enriched your life, if only for much too short a time.
    Mariana and Richard

  • Marie-Anne Cheong Youne Posted

    Dear Alma,

    I did not have the chance to know you but Zeljko has only kind words when he talked about you. You will be a model for your husband, children and people who have known you because of all you’ve accomplished. You will be missed.

    Zeljko, please accept my sincere condolences for your loss.


  • Saurabh Maiti Posted

    Dear Zejlko,
    I am so sorry for your loss. We haven’t interacted much, but I can only imagine how difficult a time this is for you. My condolences.

  • Frano Posted

    Draga naša Alma zauvijek ćeš živjeti sa nama i u našim srccima
    Tvoja dobrota i vedar duh nikada neće biti zaboravljena
    Počiva u miru naša draga Alma

  • Sam and Madeleine Posted

    My sincere condolences to you Zelko,Bojana ,Zlatka ,Zelko,Joey and Rebeka
    Alma was considered as my third sister ,the way she welcomed us the first time at her home was loving, sincere,honest,caring and respectful .These worlds represent Alma we will miss you forever .

  • Sam Kadi and mother Posted

    My sincere condolences to Zelko,Bojana,Zlatka,Zelko,Joey and Rebeka
    Alama was considered as my third sister .The way she welcomed us the first time at her home was

  • Alleman Posted

    Zauvijek u našim srcima, jako ćete nam nedostajati. uvijek ću cijeniti sjajne trenutke koje smo proveli zajedno i uvijek ću pamtiti tvoju pozitivnost prema životu. -Godi

  • Zdenka zubak Posted

    Ne postoji zaborav, samo lijepe uspomene na tebe koja Ce zauvjek zivjeti u nasim srcima.Pocivala u miru Božjem.Zeljko tebi i dijeci iskrena sucut.

  • Laszlo Kalman Posted

    Dear Bulut family,

    There are no words to express the void in facing such a devastating loss.
    You are in our thoughts as you are navigating through a difficult time.
    May you find hope and healing from the love and support in the family and may the loving memory of Alma bring you piece and comfort.

    Laszlo and Tunde

  • Christophe Grova Posted

    Dear Zeljko, we are sending you and your whole family our sincere condolences.
    We are thinking and praying for you. Take care,
    Christophe and Karima

  • Alexandre Champagne Posted

    Dear Zeljko, my thoughts are with you. Please accept my condolences for your Alma. I wish you and your children love and courage. Alex

  • Sushil Misra Posted

    My heartfelt condolences at this sad happening beyond our control. May God rest her soul in peace. Sincerely, Sushil Misra

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